Control Theory
Table of contents
- Control Bootcamp - A very thorough video series on optimal control theory.
- Brett Beauregard’s Arduino PID Library (Github Repo) - A series of blog posts about writing a better PID library for Arduino. It can help expand your understanding of PID systems.
- Stanford EE267 IMU Notes - Some notes from a class on virtual reality. Their choices of hardware is questionable but the math is solid. Section 5 and Appendix A are useful for learning about quaternions.
- Understanding Euler Angles - Detailed and well written page about euler angles.
- Understanding Quaternions - An alternative to euler angles. More difficult, however it avoids the infamous problem of gimbal lock and other issues with euler angles.
- Using Inertial Sensors for Position and Orientation Estimation - is a research paper by the brilliant people at Delft University of Technology
Kalman Filters
A very useful filter that also is quite complicated
- How a Kalman filter works in pictures
- The Kalman Filter
- A practical approach to Kalman filter and how to implement it (Github Repo) - Pretty detailed article about Kalman filters and how to use them in your code. Includes some C++ code and a library for easy Arduino implementation.
- Control System Design: An Introduction to State-Space Methods by Bernard Friedland - An in depth book on state space modelling. Not recommended for beginners. (Highly recommended by Joe Barnard)
- The Fundamentals of Control Theory by Brian Douglas - A fantastic, free ebook that gives an intuitive understand of the basics of control theory.
PID Tuning Software
- Anvil Tuner by cheesefacejoe on the BPS discord - A free, open source tool designed to run a simple simulation of a TVC rocket flight. It allows the User to manually tune their PID controller to obtain rough values for their controller gains.